Friday, March 14, 2008


like i said, my name is tim, and i have a 24 year old step brother who is bipolar. im kinda using this blog as a source of venting the frustration that builds up towards this guy. it seems like he has no sense of whats right or wrong. he constantly disrespects our parents, which creates alot of tension. on april 1st, my parents are getting separated. i dont blame this at all on my brother, its something that would of happened no matter what, and is probably for the better, but he totally ads to the fire. when i leave my house, i have to hide my computer, and any money that i have in my room because the guy goes through my stuff, and when he finds it, will sit there and look at porn all day or if he finds and money, he'll go to the bar. as soon as he has a few beers, the chemistry in his head gets all wierd, so he'll come home talking jibereish all freakin night. its really sad to watch this happen to a family member. although i love the guy, i have alot of aggression towards him. whenever he does something stupid, its always blamed on the mental illness that he has. i honestly believe that half the time, he knows exactly whats hes doing, and that he can get away with it. my parents let him live in the house on a few very basic conditions, 1. that he doesnt use any drugs, and 2. that he seek help for his problems. my stepmom takes his paychecks from him because every time she doesnt, he will go to the bar and somehow spend his whole check in one night. i know that there have to be alot of people in similar situations out there, it would be nice to get in touch and see how they handle it. it seemed like two years ago, he was normal, and then he had a drug problem for about a year. after he came out of the clouds from that last run, he just wasnt the same. sometimes he'll sleep for days, and then other times he'll be up at all hours of the night, drawing pictures of naked women that look like the were drawn by a kindergardener. when ever he draws, its always the same: a naked woman surrounded by scribble. sometimes you can barely make out the woman from the scribble. his other activity of penmanship is his "portfolio". his "portfolio" as he calls it has all of the important inventions that he has ideas for, most of which already exist. i remember walking in one night when he was writing one of his "lists". im not completely sure what the purpose of the "list" was but i can remember a few of the things i saw:
1. buy the board game stratego
2. my mom is an alien
3. im here
.........and so on... none of it makes any sense. im not putting him down, but rather letting out my thoughts as i write about living with this guy. hes lost most of his friends, which i truly have sympathy for, but i myself cant stand hanging out with the guy. im pretty sure that the fact that he smokes pot everyday definetely contributes to him being so "out there" all the time, even when he takes his medication. i remember a couple of months ago, my dad and stepmom took him with them to a local resaraunt and bar, where they had live usic and dancing. after just a few drinks the guy was swaying all over everyone on the dance floor to the point that the bartender and other employees wanted him to leave. when my dad went to try and get him to leave with them, the guy was so out of his mind that he threw a punch at my dads face, right in front of everyone. luckily he missed, but as a result he was 86'ed from yet another bar for being out of control...


o0o0KreesToL said...

Wow, must be a pretty big obstacle to over come this everday. I'm glad that you haven't done anything tremendous because I know for a fact that if I was living in a house with someone like that I'd go nuts. But I'm glad to see someone like you come up to this. Also this remind me of a certain someone but not bipolar rather self centered and I wanna help but there's not at all that I could do. So what I do is express my feeling to others and they tell me what to do. So it's like what you're doing. Good luck with everything and the family.

Darrah said...

I really sympathized with you while reading this. I have a bi polar uncle, and a couple of bi polar friends. I've seen what it can do, and what it does to the people around someone who is bi polar. I moved to the area a few months ago, so I don't see those people anymore, but I definitely remember. My uncle was completely crazy until he got on massive amounts of medication, and my the other people that I knew were O.K. sometimes, and other times would just do crazy stuff even on medication. The only thing I can really suggest is to remember that you love him, and try to be patient. Oh, and vent about it on your blog!