Tuesday, March 11, 2008

welcome to my blog..
my name is tim, im 22 and i live in the bay area in norhtern california. i live with my dad, stepmom and step brother. as of about a year and a half ago, my stepbrother, 24, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and a few other disorders which i dont know the name of. the reason i dont know the name of them is because the issue of my brother is a very sensitive subject in my house. i try not to ask too many questions due to the fact that it will end up starting a whole bunch of things that dont need to be started. the reason im writing this blog, is maybe to get some insight, feedback or advice on living with someone like this. i can honestly tell you that i have alot of aggersion towards this guy. he seems to try and use his illness to his advantage to get away with all kinds of stupid things. i definetely have alot to say about this issue, so if anyone out there is in a similar position to me, and is reading this, im here waiting to hear from you..

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