Tuesday, March 25, 2008

what would you do?

In my house, there are a lot of underlying issues. Its like there is a lion asleep in my living room, and im constantly tip toeing around trying not to wake it up. What I mean by the lion, is that there are just certain things that I don’t bring up, or things will just burst, and my house will become a loud and screaming hell hole. Im pretty certain that my step mom has this weird anger that its her son that’s crazy and not me. Every time he does something really stupid, and she has to hear about it, there are always responses having to do with me, and what ever ive done wrong in the past, or how im not perfect. (im not at all saying that im perfect). I would say that a good solution is to move out right? Well I think I would, but this madness will not be lasting too much longer since they are getting separated on the 1st of next month. To be quite brutally honest, as messed up as it sounds, sometimes all this stuff is kind of entertaining. I cant let everything get me down, sometimes you just have to find the humor in things, you know what I mean? Wouldn’t you laugh if you walked into your livingroom and saw a guy with three pairs of shoes on the table and five different colored sharpie markers…”what are you doing barrett?..oh hey, just coloring my shoes…” I walk out like three hours later, and this guy had colored his white shoes completely black with a permanent marker. The other two pairs just had some lame ass designs on them that just looked retarded. On the other side of things, his illness is really getting really serious though, its gotten to the point that my step mom has to watch the guy take his meds, or else he wont do it. He’s supposed to be moving in with some other lady that hes going to rent a room from. He no longer has to worry about rent money for the rest of his life because hes getting monthly checks from the government.


Alexandra said...

I can relate, I have an aunt and uncle with bipolar disorder. I also have a family friend thats 19 and recently diagnosed with it. He has the same problem with the meds,he won't take them unless his mother makes him. Doesn't it seem like bipolar disorder is becoming more and more common? Scary

marisol26 said...

i had a friend who was bipolar and things got out of control at her house, her parents were having trouble keeping up with her. they had to send her to boarding school for almost a year where she lived with all bipolar girls. when she came back she seemed content and like her normal self. its brave of you to be so honest about your life.